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Лаборатория подводной связи и навигации

Phone: +7 499 322 25 37
Web site: http://unavlab.com
E-mail: hello@unavlab.com

The laboratory develops and makes navigation speaker systems for divers, TPA and ANPA, and also systems of hydroacoustic communication, including digital multiple access, transfer of telemetric information, code, alarm, voice. The original technical solutions applied by us in our production are our development, many of which have no direct analogs both in Russia, and beyond its limits.

Flagman product of Laboratory is the unique system of underwater navigation providing simultaneous positioning of unlimited number of objects in the water area with a nominal accuracy up to 0.5 m at ranges to 3 km in modifications for divers and robots. We also make various modems: for transfering of code messages (RedGTR), low-speed, for transfering at distances to 8 km (RedLine), and also high-speed modems (Natrix).

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